Who is going? 4 exceptional seminarians (from Nathan's school), 1 brilliant professor, and 4 lovely wives.
How long will we be gone? Our journey begins May 31st (Nate's birthday!) and we will return home on June 15.
What will we be doing? We are teaming up with a missionary family that has been in England for some time. Nathan will be preaching in several churches, sharing in bible studies and doing a little bit of open-air preaching. Natasha will have some opportunities to meet with the women of the churches and just be an encouragement in any way that she is able.
What is our goal? Our goal is to encourage the churches. England is in deep spiritual need. Since 1980, church attendance has dropped 60% and there is an epidemic shortage of pastors in England. England needs expositional, Christ-centered preaching. Our hope and prayer is "...that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified..." 2 Thessalonians 3:1.
What can you do? Most importantly, we need your prayers!
- Pray for us as we prepare--for clarity, passion and focus.
- Pray for us while we are there--for health, humility, energy, and again, focus.
- Pray for the people we will minister to--that they would be encouraged by our time together and strengthened in their faith.
- And anything else you can think of!
We also need financial help, each of us need to raise $2200. If the Lord lays it on your heart to support us in this way, please send a check payable Grace Community Church with "For the team of Nathan Schneider" in the memo line to:
Short-Term Ministries
c/o Grace Community Church
13248 Roscoe Blvd.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Please let us know if you have any questions!
For the glory of Christ among the nations,
Nathan and Natasha
"Striving together for the faith of the gospel."
Philippians 1:27